Late-Term Abortion in Wanted Pregnancies

sharing information, stories and support for this heartbreaking decision

Imprint of the Baby’s Hands and Feet January 26, 2012

Filed under: Memorializing Your Baby — sammi @ 9:21 pm

Although it may seem  morbid to some, one thing my husband and I are so glad we requested was to get the hand and footprints of the baby after the termination procedure.  It is one of the only tangible items we possess from that life-changing experience and not only does it help us to remember the experience and the baby,  it also confirmed to us in those imprints that our baby did in fact have serious deformities– having 6 digits in each foot, instead of 5.  Having initially been in denial about our situation and then wondering if the tests could all just be wrong, this concrete proof of our baby having Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome) helped comfort us more than any blurry ultrasound or test result ever could.  This still sits on our mantel next to the urn (which contains the ashes that we never scattered) and even with each passing year, is difficult to put away.


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