Late-Term Abortion in Wanted Pregnancies

sharing information, stories and support for this heartbreaking decision

How to Dry Up Your Milk Supply December 10, 2011

Filed under: Suppressing Milk from Coming In — sammi @ 5:21 pm

A few days after the termination procedure, my breasts suddenly became very sore and engorged.  This “milk issue” came sort of by surprise and added to the already stressful time after the termination procedure.  I wish I would have been better emotionally prepared to deal with breast milk issues.  And again, I could find nothing online about what women experience after a 19th week termination in regards to milk production and suppression.  I know now that milk production typically begins around the 16th week of pregnancy, so most women who have a later termination will experience the discomfort of engorgement.  I used lots of ice packs, massage and wore a sports bra to stop the production of milk and help relieve the pain.  Others swear by the use of refrigerated cabbage leaves applied to each breast and changed every 2 hours.

Here is a blog with many detailed strategies on how to best dry up a milk supply.  The author (Danelle Frisbie) suggests expressing small amounts of milk (by hand pump or manually), drinking sage tea, applying jasmine flowers, using cold compresses, avoiding hot showers, taking Ibuprofen, avoiding nipple stimulation, wearing a good sports bra, staying hydrated and taking other meds and herbs.