Late-Term Abortion in Wanted Pregnancies

sharing information, stories and support for this heartbreaking decision

Homage to Dr. George Tiller December 1, 2011

Filed under: Late-Term Abortion Providers — sammi @ 9:38 pm

Dr. George Tiller, one of America’s most dedicated women’s reproductive rights champions. He was killed on May 31, 2009 by an anti-abortion activist.

4 years after my experience terminating a wanted pregnancy in the 19th week, Dr. George Tiller, one of the only few doctors in the country to perform abortions after the 21st week, was shot to death handing out programs at his Wichita, Kansas church.  Prior to that day in May, 2009, Dr. Tiller had survived being shot by an anti-abortion activist in both arms in 1993,  had been the target of protests at his home, church and clinic, endured years of legal harassment and survived a clinic fire-bombing in June, 1986. Dr. Tiller was shot by one bullet to the head and killed instantly by an anti-abortion extremist on May 31,2009.  Scott Roeder, the murderer, was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without any chance of parole for 50 years in March 2010.

I am so grateful for the extreme courage and dedication of doctors like George Tiller who risk their lives so that women like me can have safe options when faced with the decision to abort.  I came across an amazing website called “I Am Dr. Tiller” which is both a homage to the work of Dr. Tiller and a living testimony to the courageous lives of abortion providers.  On this site, you can read the personal stories of abortion providers (doctors, nurses, counselors, volunteers, etc…) who give testimony about their commitment to reproductive justice, abortion work and the paths that led them there.


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